SUNDAY FUNDAY - September 8th @ NOON
Join us at Features in Holmen for a special edition Sunday Funday End of Summer Bash!
If you haven't qualified for the 95 Days of Summer, yet... you still have TWO MORE CHANCES to Win!
The party starts at NOON. We'll draw two more qualifiers. The giveaway starts around 1:30pm
As usual, this is a Total Elimination Contest. All 95 qualifiers will have a their name in an envelope in our super fancy plexiglass box. We will begin the contest by removing one envelope. When the first name is revealed... that contestant is officially OUT - but - that individual will now have the opportunity to take the next person out along with them. This process will continue until we are down to the last-person-standing... or a.k.a.
The name in the last remaining envelope (after all previous contestants have been drawn/eliminated) will be determined the winner of a brand new 2024 Harley-Davidson Low Rider S with the 95 Days of Summer!