The top things that help us wake up.
Today is “National Coffee Day”, and to no one’s surprise, drinking coffee is the NUMBER ONE thing that helps us wake up, according to a new survey.
Our coffee maker is programmable, so lucky for me, it starts brewing as soon as I get outta bed and is ready with the good stuff shortly after I get out of the shower. I get up, shower & get dressed in the dark, take the dog out, grab my stuff for work and head downtown to the station. Once I get the studio set up, I’ll pour my first cup. Thankfully, I don’t have to interact with anyone before I get to that point. Getting up at 3am sometimes has it’s privileges.
As for the rest of the top ten things that help us wake up:
2. Brushing your teeth. I wait until after I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee & a bite to eat, then I brush.
3. Taking a shower. This is always the first thing I do after getting out of bed. No lights, just scalding hot water and me, in the dark.
4. Washing your face with cold water. I suppose, if you have a rigid skin-care routine, this is probably important.
5. Turning lights on. I prefer the dark. The only light I turn on in the morning is my Harley’s headlight when I back out of the driveway.
6. Drinking a glass of water. Maybe on a Saturday or Sunday with a decent hangover, but I’m almost always going to drink coffee first, then water.
7. Watching TV.
8. Scrolling through social media. Generally, I don’t check FB until I get my laptop up & running at work. Occasionally I’ll take a look in case there was a good comment thread the night before.
9. Going for a walk. On the weekends, with the dog….but only AFTER the coffee.
10. Listening to music. I’ve found myself listening to “sounds of the ocean” in the morning when I’m getting ready for the Sickness. Not everyday, but many of them.
For more on this recent poll, click here.