How do you pronounce these words? put up a list of 8 words and how people choose to pronounce them. Here’s the rundown:
1. Caramel: CAR-muhl . . . or CARE-uh-mel? 65% of people say CARE-uh-mel.
I’m going with “care-uh-mel” on this one.
2. Bagel: BAY-gull . . . or BAG-ull? 9% of us say BAG-ull.
There’s only one way to pronounce this word and it’s “bay-gull”. “Bag-Ull” is WRONG.
3. Salmon: SAM-uhn . . . or SAL-muhn? 19% pronounce the “L”.
I’m literally SHOCKED to find out that nearly 20% of people walk around saying “sal-muhn”. If I was a waiter and you ordered Salmon by saying “sal-muhn”, I’d kick you out of the restaurant.
4. Pecan: PEE-can . . . or puh-KAHN? The winner is PEE-can with 68% of the vote.
This is a toss up. Most of the time I say “Pee-can” because it’s fun to say “pee”. And pronouncing it “puh-kahn” is kinda douchey
5. Jalapeño: Halla-PEEN-yo . . . or halla-PEN-yo? That one’s closer than we expected. 40% of people say halla-PEN-yo.
I go with neither on this one. I’m a “Ja-Lop-EE-Know” kinda guy.
6. Espresso: ESS-presso . . . or EX-presso? 16% say EX, even though it’s wrong.
This is like “ask” and “Axe”. You know what they’re saying, evein if it’s WRONG. “Ess-Presso” is the way to go here.
7. Crêpe: Krep . . . or krayp? 64% pronounce it with a hard “Y” sound . . . krayp.
Making them is stressful. Saying “krayp” is the only way to diffuse that stressful situation.
8. Syrup: SIR-up . . . or SEER-up? It’s a tie. Both got 50% of the vote.
Wait a minute…..half the world says “seer-up”???? What the fug?