Top Songs of the Week 2/8/24
February 8, 2024/
As more new music comes out, we need to freshen up the top songs list. This is that time of the year where bands start kicking out music more frequently, having taken time off during the holidays. So let’s take a look at who’s on top this week.
- Daughtry – Artificial
- Mammoth WVH – I’m Alright
- Tim Montana – Devil You Know
- Bad Wolves – Legends Never Die
- Shinedown – A Symptom of Being Human
- Papa Roach – Leave a Light On
- Disturbed – Don’t Tell Me
Disturbed becomes new to this list as of this week. Ann Wilson from Heart joins them for an absolutely phenomenal rock ballad. David and Ann’s voices blend so perfectly, not that I’m surprised. Both are endlessly talented vocalists, and they work so beautifully together. Check it out below.