Things I Trust More Than Aaron Rodgers “News” – Bags Top 10
There’s been a lot of speculation about Aaron Rodgers over the last few years. We’ve been bombarded with one sports writer after another give “definitive” reports on what’s really going on with him. I seem to remember last year when many reported that he made a deal with Denver, and it was a “done deal”.
We all saw how that worked out.
Now the major speculation is that he’ll become a New York Jet. Not only that, he apparently gave them a list of demands, stating names of people he wanted them to target. Lazard being one of them. But after so many false reports, one can only take so much.
I’m not saying he won’t be a Jet. I’m not even saying he didn’t give a list of demands. But I won’t believe anything until it becomes ACTUAL news, and not some sports writer’s speculation made up for clicks.
So here’s a list of things I trust more than these sports writers.
10. The Government
9. JFK in a car without a roof
8. An email from a Nigerian prince
7. Local MILF’s in my area
6. A Stormtrooper’s aim
5. The water in Flint, MI
4. Epstein’s prison guards
3. Guys that say, “I’ll only put it in for a second”
2. Casey Anthony babysitting my kids
1. A fart, after a night of drinking
Cover Photo Credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS