Best NES Games – Bags Top 10
Since we’re playing some old school tunes this weekend in celebration of Hairball coming to the La Crosse Center on Jan 27th, I thought I’d turn back the clock on some other things as well. Like counting down the best NES games. So many of us grew up in the 80’s raised on hair metal and Nintendo, so I figured it’d be a good fit, and fun to do.
So let’s do it.
10. Mega Man 2
9. Bubble Bobble
8. Ducktales
7. Excitebike
6. Castlevania 3
5. Tecmo Super Bowl
4. Contra
3. The Legend of Zelda
2. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out
1. Super Mario Brothers 3
Man, that was actually pretty damn tough. I’ve got about a million and one honorable mentions I could name. But if I had to get it down to ten, these are the ten that spent the most time in my NES. (After you blow into the cartridge exactly 4 1/2 times and pushing it into the system 1/16 of an inch to the left.)