The one with Shaw’s Xmas Cards
Ho Ho Ho! As we got another week closer to Christmas, we did our best to increase Scott Robert Shaw’s Christmas Spirit!
He’s kind of a Grinch…so we asked our kick-ass Rock listeners to send in Christmas Cards for the little guy & you came through! Keep sending your cards to:
Scott Robert Shaw
201 State St.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Our Monday Morning Throwback asked the question, “Xmas movie or not?”, and we discovered that Franzia is in the holiday inflatable game!
Plus, could your IBS be caused by something called “Graviy Intolerance“????? This holiday season, Hellman’s mayo wants you to mix some mayo with your eggnog(BLECH).
We talked about some of the holiday-related injuries people deal with this time of year, and Shaw aced this week’s edition of “You’re Killin’ me, Shaws”. We got a BRAND-NEW version of The Thursday Song thanks to Andy Hughes, and we hooked you up with a new list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!