The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with a heat wave
A very hot week all across the country gave us a ton of stuff to talk about this week. We started things with the “Monday Morning Throwback“, and talked about going commando to beat the heat.
Plus, the results of a study about safe drinking amounts were extremely laughable. There was also a story about getting a custom action figure that looks just like you!
More heat stuff later in the week, including the new “Summer Party Tip” with some ways to battle the higher temps. And can heat cause diarrhea? Yes, it can.
Jean talked about going down the wormhole of the Stranger Things posters, and we found out about the upcoming Manti Te’o documentary. Not to mention the OnlyFans couple who bought a sex doll that looks just like the wife.
Shaw whiffed on “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”, and we gave you a list of three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend.