Which age range represents the “Best years of your life”?

I’m in my mid-40’s and having the benefit of hindsight, I’d have to say my 20’s were my best years.

I move around a bunch. I worked a bunch of different jobs. I partied a LOT. I experienced life.

Maybe not all that life has to offer, but I certainly didn’t say “no” very often.

I was in MUCH better shape and wasn’t so grumpy all the time, plus, I had WAY less responsibility. So, I would definitely choose my 20’s as the “best years of my life”.

And I’m almost in the majority with my choice.

A recent survey asked people the very same question, and 24% of the group said that their 30’s was the best time of their lives, while my choice came in second with 21% of the people.

15% went for their 40’s, 9% said their 50’s, and 7% said their 60’s.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.