Things I Thought Were Expensive as a Kid, But Weren’t

When you’re a kid, you don’t really have an honest perception of money, or how much things are worth. Sometimes I pause and think about what I thought things cost as a kid, knowing how much they actually cost now that I’m an adult. It begins to get silly when you consider what you once thought must have been really expensive, but turned out to be pretty cheap.
Here’s a list of things I thought were expensive when I was little, but know the truth now.

  1. Grey Poupon Mustard – Do you have any?
  2. Ferrero Rocher Chocolates – I don’t know why I thought these were $1000 for just one.
  3. Viennetta Desserts – This was like, the pinnacle of decadence to me.
  4. Bathrobes – Hugh Hefner always wore one, and he was rich. So I figured they were all expensive.
  5. Sparkling Grape Juice – It seems fancier, but it’s literally the same price as grape juice.
  6. Pizza Hut – I used to think this was 5 star dining.
  7. Gargoyles at Your Front Gate – The gate itself is the more expensive part by far.
  8. Satin Sheets – Sure, they’re more expensive than regular sheets, but not by nearly as much as I thought.
  9. A Pool, Even if it’s Above Ground – $150 at Walmart for an 18 footer…
  10. Maker’s Mark Whiskey – The wax must have added $500 to the price for me.
  11. Concert Tickets – Sure, they’re expensive NOW. But when I thought they were expensive, you could actually go to a show for $10.
  12. Red Lobster – Giving insane deals is literally what led to their downfall.
  13. Old Spice Cologne – My grandpa only wore it on special occasions, so I figured he used it sparingly because it was expensive. Nope.
  14. Salmon – It’s a different color than regular fish, so, more money? Not by much…
  15. A 2 Story House – Another thing that’s expensive NOW. But you’ll freak when you hear what your parents paid for theirs.
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95.7 The Rock's nerd of all trades. I love video games, nerdy fandoms, and sports (Packers/Badgers/Brewers/Blackhawks). Husband and father of 2. I'm also a huge pro wrestling fan and master of 1,001 holds. Hold #1: Armbar ...