Simpson’s Skip Day!
Another Thursday in the books & Brian is off to Eau Claire for “Simpson’s Skip Day” at the EC Express game, followed by a party bus to a couple of bars & breweries.
Jean suggested that he stay in the Eau Claire area to see Ludacris at the State Fair, which led to us talking about Nelly being at Country Boom!
Talked about the shake-up on the US Men’s basketball team and a massive brawl after a soccer match.
Funny story about a woman who jumped into a river to save a bunny.
Yesterday was Pina Colada day, and today is National Mojito Day!
This is apparently the “Summer of Bill“. Belichick, that is.
Cute video of a dog at a Met’s game that was enjoying a hot dog.
Are you mowing incorrectly? Maybe folding the laundry wrong?
During today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about being exhausted all the time, people leaving used toilet paper in Yosemite, a guy who got busted for stealing a truck, an update on a couple of women who used a dead guy to take money out of the ATM, a man in North Dakota that was killed by a bowling alley, a Camaro got wrecked on a “test ride”, a woman who decided to pump gas while getting pulled over for a DUI, a bunch of eels ended up on the runway at an airport, and a house caught right in the middle of two separate HOA’s.