Ugh. Election season continues with the first debate tonight.

Shaw is back!

The first Presidential debate for the 2024 election is tonight and we tried to get you prepped with some stats & info…and maybe a drinking game or two.

We recapped last night’s NBA draft, and the apology from new Texas baseball coach, Jim Schlossnagle.

Let you know what else is on TV tonight, and we talked about Hawk TUAH girl possibly going to Hollywood!

Cool story about a guy who saw two old ladies sitting in the chairs in front of his house & he decided to befriend them with some tea & snacks…and a fire at a 143 year-old church was extinguished by some firefighters who were having a weekly meeting just down the street.

Got a request from Curt in Eau Claire for some Jackyl…which we played…and then talked about the upcoming Big River Rally!

Another idiot TikTok person is trying to pass off rice-water as an alternative to Ozempic

Talked about the future of the WWE, and speaking of the future…this year’s Olympics will feature A.I. Al Michaels!

During today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a guy in Vermont who flipped off a State Trooper, a bear that got into a family’s mini-van in California, a philosophy professor who killed himself in Australia, a woman who got a ticket for driving her suitcase, an update on the Bigfoot murder case, and an HOA board member who repeatedly pooped on a guy’s lawn.


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.

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