The Monday Morning Throwback – Brian’s moped got hit. Again.

Many years ago…before he finally took the Harley rider training course. Before he bought his first motorcycle. Before he upgraded to a Road King…and eventually his Street Glide Limited, Brian had a really old moped that he bought for a couple hundred bucks.

Back in 2009, we worked with Unique Edge Customizing to “Man-Up” his moped and they did an incredible job…adding diamond-plating to the floorboard, upgrading to some sweet iron-cross mirrors, applying a killer “Maximum Overdrive” decal to the front, installing a NOS one-shot, and even adding an extremely loud air horn.

However, even with all those improvements, Brian’s moped managed to get run over not once…….but TWICE…while parked in front of the radio building. The first time, the legendary Mike Kearns(RIP) backed into it, and then a former salesperson, Lori Morton-Lockley, also backed into it with her vehicle.

There was also that time a guy on a motorcycle picked up the moped & put it on the sidewalk to make room so that he could park his Harley.

Such disrespect.


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.