RIP, Kyle Prentice.

Hello Friday!

While Jean is out, Brian & Shaw are holding down the fort & enjoying some bloody marys!

We started you off with our weekend plans, including Brian’s trip to Des Moines to see Cake! He’s very excited. Even got to play some Cake this morning, and talk about the lead singer’s vibraslap!

And we recapped the NHL & NBA playoff action from last night.

We let you know what’s on TV and in theaters this weekend.

Funny video of a guy who LOVES Costco getting a birthday surprise from his wife.

In case you live under a rock, Mother’s Day is on Sunday, and we hooked you up with some Mother’s Day stats & info going into the weekend.

Also devoted some time this morning to pay our respects to Kyle Prentice, the owner of the Helm Bar in downtown La Crosse, who passed away this week.

Did you hear about the lady who was living INSIDE the sign on the roof of a business?

Doc joined us to talk racing this morning, and during today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a man in Tulsa who ran into a power pole after his dog jumped into his lap while driving, a FedEx plane that landed without it’s landing gear, a man who assaulted his wife with some salami, a woman in Colorado who tried to steal a truck but couldn’t drive stick, a horse in Brazil that was stuck on the roof of a building, a thief who took a box right out of the hands of the homeowner, the Chevy Malibu is no more, a woman who forgot her credit card at a restaurant, a cannibal eunuch, and a Subway manager that didn’t serve extra ham.


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.