JuJu’s penis & a Ticketmaster lawsuit!
And here comes the weather.
After a few days of really nice weather, we’ve got some strong storms & rain coming through the next few days.
We talked about last night’s WNBA draft & the NBA setting attendance records this season. And we let you know what’s new on New Release Tuesday. Plus, more info on the whole Billy Joel/CBS debacle.
Had a cool story about some Girl Scouts in TN who used the money from their cookie sales to buy some microchip scanners to help reunite lost pets with their owners.
Did you hear about the Kickstarter campaign for a paintball-shooting doorbell camera? Apparently, it’ll also fire tear gas canisters!
Hopefully, there’s some truth to this story about the Justice Department filing an anti-trust lawsuit against Ticketmaster & Live Nation!
And in case you missed it, JuJu Smith Schuster “accidentally” posted a picture of his wiener on SnapChat over the weekend.
During today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a funeral home in Colorado that wasn’t handling the dead properly AND stole a bunch of PPE loan money, a guy riding a motorcycle at 100+ mph while standing on the seat, OJ’s infamous Bronco is for sale, a #Florida firefighter who got arrested and tried the “don’t you know who I am?” routine, a woman in Arizona that was poisoning her husband’s coffee, another #FloridaMan who killed his roommate after arguing over a dollar, another roommate argument that led to an assault with some pizza dough, a guy in Canada who is being harassed by dozens of pizza deliveries, and a drunk guy who REALLY wanted six pumpkin donuts.