Marrying your cousin & fart walks!
Ah…Friday! And a beautiful one at that. Looks like it’s going to be really nice this weekend, so get outta the house & do something outside.
We started you off with the Friday Song and let you know what’s going to be on TV & in theaters this weekend in case you prefer staying inside when it’s absolutely gorgeous outside.
We talked about Rashee Rice turning himself in and updated you on the Shohei Ohtani story.
A cool story about a father in Philly who’s been installing special signs around the city to alert people that there are autistic children in the area.
It’s “National Grilled Cheese Sandwich” day, and if you’re going to enjoy one for dinner tonight, maybe go for a Fart Walk afterwards.
Yup…fart walks are a thing now.
Brian drooled all over himself talking about the possibility of Tom Brady returning to the NFL to play quarterback.
Doc joined us to talk racing, and during today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about cousins in TN getting married, people are made because nuns are eating chips in a commercial, a #FloridaWoman who was driving drunk on three tires, a bunch of stolen Legos, a bakery owner that lost the diamond from her ring in the dough for their cookies, a look at how much money Americans pay in taxes in their lifetime, a library that gave out phony eclipse glasses, an 85 year-old grandma who shot & killed a man who broke into her house, an a Canadian woman who left behind some DNA at a robbery.