Rock Mornings Daily Podcast – Thursday, February 15th, 2024

We kicked off the show today with the ORIGINAL version of The Thursday Song from our old pal, Skradie!

Of course, our top news story this morning was the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade yesterday. We also met a listener from the UK named Keiran who wanted to hear some Iron Maiden!!!

Even with all the tragedy that happened yesterday, we were able to put a positive spin on the morning with a great story about a woman who just turned 109 years old, and a dog that was found with it’s mouth zip-tied close that recently got adopted by the officer that rescued him.

Before the shooting at the parade yesterday, Travis Kelce may have been over-served and decided to perform a rousing rendition of Garth Brook’s “Friends In Low Places“.

Today was also #NationalWisconsinDay, so we shared some interesting facts about the Badger State, and we discussed Shaw’s upcoming weekend getaway to Chicago that might be in jeopardy.

During the “Friggin’ Sports”, we talked about the first ever D1 scholarship for cornhole players, and in today’s “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a Walgreens that was robbed repeatedly by employees, a hiker that killed a rabid coyote after it bit him, a lost, naked hiker that was rescued, an idiot that tried to rob an ATM in a jail lobby, a Dominos in Japan that had to apologize to it’s customers after a former employee was wiping his boogers in the dough, a story about a NY man that tried to smuggle snakes into Canada, and a Delta flight that had to turn around because of maggots falling from the overhead compartment.


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.