Rock Mornings Daily Podcast – Monday, February 12th, 2024
Jean was out, but Brian & Shaw recapped the Super Bowl, including the game, the commercials, the food prices, and the entertainment.
It was also #NationalPoopDay, so Brian discussed some stats about poop.
Had a heart-warming story about 90-year old twins who were reunited after 81 years apart. Talked about the 2024 nominees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Looked back at 2018 for today’s Monday Morning Throwback. And during “Bad News with Happy Music”, had stories about a Harry Potter wand being mistaken for a knife, a gang in Cuba that stole a BUNCH of chicken, a principal in LA that is on leave after trying to simulate a live-shooter drill at an elementary school, an officer in the UK who told a man to clean up his dog’s urine, and a guy who was the richest man in the world for a couple of minutes before PayPal realized they’d made an accounting error.