The one with a Rock Fest line-up
What a week. We talked to Chris Daughtry about his upcoming show at the La Crosse Center with Breaking Benjamin, and we talked to Wade from Rock Fest on Thursday when the lineup was released!
On top of that, we talked about some easy ways to burn calories, a new device that electrocutes the allergies out of your nose(supposedly), and a dog that helped save it’s owner after he fell through some ice on a lake.
This week’s Monday Morning Throwback was from 2014 when we were trying to help Skradie make a few extra bucks.
We reacted to Elle King’s drunken performance for Dolly Parton’s birthday celebration at the Grand Old Opry, and on Monday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about Taylor Swift’s stalker getting arrested again, a couple in Kansas that hid a dead body to collect retirement funds, a dude in Philly who killed his neighbor because of loud snoring, and the guy who stole Dorothy’s ruby slippers back in 2005 finally revealed why he did it.
On Tuesday, we found out that Sammy Hagar is actually Sammy Belcher??? Brian raved about his Zevo fruit fly devices, and during Tuesday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a school in NC that removed the mirrors from the restrooms to help stop kids from filming TikTok videos, a guy who got shot in the head but mistook it for a rock for FOUR days, and a #FloridaMan who got pulled over & gave his license to a cop…but it was covered in meth.
Shaw aced this week’s movie quote during “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”, giving Brad from Viroqua a $70 win! We also had a couple of stories about babies being born in the car on the way to the hospital. Also, after Tyler Bass missed the game-tying field goal during last weekend’s Bills/Chiefs game, people starting donating to his favorite cat shelter in his honor.
And during Wednesday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about the foul-mouthed parrots at a British wildlife park, a kid in Utah who duct-tapes dead fish to ATMs, PETA‘s desire to replace Punxsutawney Phil with a giant gold coin, and a guy on a plane who wouldn’t stop farting.
Thursday morning, we talked with Daughtry about his upcoming show with Breaking Benjamin at the La Crosse Center, and we talked to Wade from Rock Fest as the lineup dropped online!
We also found out that pasta makes us happy, and that TJ Watt is a hell of a guy!
On Thursday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a 9 year old boy in France who lived by himself for the past two years, a lawmaker in California who wants to limit how fast new cars can go, and a trio of criminals that have been nicknamed “the Three Stooges.
Friday morning, we talked about the “Ketchup Challenge“, and Brian voiced his opinion on the reboot of “Road House” starring Conor McGregor & Jake Gyllenhaal. Plus, the story of how some underwear ended up on the ice after a hat trick.
On Friday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a #FloridaWoman who was killed by a gator, the Valentine’s Reese’s PB hearts that look like a specific part of the male anatomy, some Amish people who had their horse & buggy stolen, a couple in Portland that had a tree destroy their house AFTER they tried to get it taken down, and a politician who wants to bring back duels!