The one with Mom’s poop.
The last week before Thanksgiving, and we had some SERIOUSLY nice weather.
High temps in the 60’s almost the entire week!
We kicked things off with the “Monday Morning Throwback“, and a Kyle who went berzerk in a McDonald’s drive-thru. Plus, we talked about all the sweet treats we’re going to be eating over the next two months.
On Monday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about an airline selling tickets for just a couple of bucks due to a glitch in their system, a woman who accidentally got $20k worth of lottery tickets shipped to her house, and a man who tried to buy some gold bars in an alley way.
Tuesday was “National Pickle Day”, and during Tuesday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had a couple of stories about hikers, an Iowa man who painted his neighbor’s plants for some reason, and a #FloridaCouple who were having sex in the middle of a highway in broad daylight.
On Workforce Wednesday, we talked about people who have not one, but TWO dishwashers, and Shaw whiffed on this week’s edition of “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”.
On Wednesday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a guy who now has the Guinness World Record for his pencil collection, a horse that got loose on an airplane, and a guy in Tennessee who was playing Santa in a parade while he was high on meth!
On Thursday, we talked about the cost of this year’s Thanksgiving meal, and talked about how you could make $2,000 by watching twelve Hallmark X-Mas movies over the course of twelve days.
On Thursday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a woman who was busted crashing weddings in several different states, and a man who used his Mom’s poop to battle his Crohn’s disease.
On Friday, we hooked you up with a new list of things to do in & around river city this weekend, and on Friday’s edition of “Bad News with Happy Music”, we had stories about a woman with uteri that’s also pregnant in each one, a manager of a Dollar General store who stole $41,000 from the store to gamble with, and a #FloridaMan who pooped on a dead possum.