Top Songs of the Week

Been a while since we stayed in touch about the top songs playing on 95.7 The Rock. So here’s an update on the best of the best of current new rock we’ve been spitting out.

Avatar – The Dirt I’m Buried In
Jelly Roll – Need a Favor
Disturbed – Unstoppable
Asking Alexandra – Psycho
Ayron Jones – Blood in the Water
Bad Omens – The Death of Peace of Mind
Corey Taylor – Beyond

Jelly Roll has been in the top 7 for several weeks now and is the longest tenured song at the top. Jelly Roll’s popularity over the last year can’t be denied, and it seems everything he touches turns to gold.
AWESOME to have Avatar in one of our top spots!
Bad Omens is another band who keeps cranking out gold, and I look for more from them in the future. They’re one of the best bands out there in this generation of rock bands. Should we aim to bring them into town sometime?
We’ll see how this list may change next week.

Top Songs of the Week
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95.7 The Rock's nerd of all trades. I love video games, nerdy fandoms, and sports (Packers/Badgers/Brewers/Blackhawks). Husband and father of 2. I'm also a huge pro wrestling fan and master of 1,001 holds. Hold #1: Armbar ...