Three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend.

Back into the 90’s this weekend.

Ugh. I’m soooooooooooooo ready for cooler temps.

This weekend, the wife & I are going to start getting ready for our annual Backyard BBQ next Saturday. LOTS of cleaning & prep goes into this shindig, and it’s our last big party for the foreseeable future, and we’re looking to make it a spectacular time for everyone.

I’ve also got the Rock Stop this afternoon at the Alpine Inn with Twisted Tea…and the Rock Stop on Sunday at Haldeman’s Hilltop Tavern! Including today’s Rock Stop, there’s only 15 LEFT! Find the complete list of the remaining Rock Stops here…and make sure you get out & register for the bike!

If you’re looking for something to do in the La Crosse are this weekend, here’s a few suggestions:


After the Rock Stop this afternoon at the Alpine Inn, I’m heading back down the bluff with the bike, putting it in the storage shed, and heading to the Cavalier Theater for a killer performance from our friends in the Lonely Ones, with a special guest! The former bass player for Royal Bliss, Dwayne Crawford, will be filling in for the Lonely Ones!

Doors for this all ages show are at 7pm, with music beginning at 8pm. You can buy tickets at the door for $15, or get them online here for just $12 in advance.

Find more info on this event here.


Have you always wanted to test your skills on a bike without the threat of an accident? Then bring your ride to Great River Harley-Davidson this Saturday and strap it to the Dyno! Put your riding skills to the test against other riders & compete for bragging rights…or the trophy for fastest reaction time!

This is open to all makes & models of motorcycles, and the Taco Bros food truck will be on-site, serving up some delicious food!

Now would be a great time to grab some fall riding gear, or maybe pick up one of the limited-edition Oktoberfest shirts while they last at Great River HD.

Find more info on this event and RSVP here.


After just seeing Bret Michaels & Firehouse at the Ho-Chunk in Black River Falls, I’m still riding that 80’s wave, and I think we might try to make it to this outdoor show at Twin Bluffs Bar in Winona!

This acoustic show will feature Steve Brown, PJ Farley, & Ben Hans from Trixter, performing all your Trixter favorites, along with some music written & recorded by Steve & PJ on their various solo projects.

Stick around for a FREE meet-n-greet with the band after the show.

Tickets for this show are $20 in advance and can be purchased online here, or buy them for $25 at the door. Music will start at 5pm with Dirt River, followed by the Last Minute Heroes, and then TRIXTER!

Find more info on this event here.


Anthony Fimple was a son, brother, and friend who saw the good in so many of us before we could see it ourselves. Tragically, Anthony was murdered on June 27th, 2020, but even in death, Anthony was able to prolong and enrich the lives of 6 donor recipients through Donate Life Wisconsin.

The third annual Anthony’s Day will take place at Myrick Park in La Crosse this Sunday from 11am until 5pm and will feature live music, live art, family & kids events, food trucks, a silent auction, beer & wine vendors, a disc golf tournament, a bake sale, and much more!

All proceeds from Anthony’s Day will benefit The Anthony Fund, a member of The La Crosse Community Foundation, and our mission of ‘keeping kindness common’ in the La Crosse area and bringing La Crosse its first Urban Ecology Center with WisCorps – Wisconsin Conservation Corps, Inc.

You can find more info on this event here.

As always, there’s a bunch of other events happening this weekend in our area, and you can find many of them online at

And if you’ve got an event coming up that you’d like to see featured on, you can submit it for free here.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.