Top Songs of the Week
June 21, 2023/
From now on, I’ll keep you guys posted each week on the top songs spinning out of this studio. There’s a lot of great tunes coming out lately, and some have had some real lasting power. So let’s keep track of who holds the top spots, in no particular order.
- Foo Fighters – Rescued
- Metallica – 72 Seasons
- Jelly Roll – Need a Favor
- Staind – Lowest in Me
- I Prevail – Deep End
- Mammoth WVH – Another Celebration at the End of the World
- From Ashes to New – Hate Me Too
Nice to see Foo Fighters in a top spot again after over a year of being absent from the new music scene, though they definitely have a good excuse for said absence. Metallica’s “72 Seasons” has been holding strong for a few months now, and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It’s also nice to see Staind back in action after several years of the band members doing their own thing.