Is it too Early to be Excited About the Brewers?
I know it’s early in the season, but our Milwaukee Brewers are sitting pretty good as one of the best teams in baseball. At the writing of this article, we’re 18-10, and only 1.5 games out of first place in the division behind the Pirates. That record would be good enough for first place in every division except for our own, and only one other. So life is good early on.
But I, like many Brewer fans, am skeptical to get too excited too soon. Because, historically speaking, there been a monkey on our back for the last 20ish years….
The All-Star Break…
So many years we’ve sat and watched our Crew have what appears to be an incredible season, only to completely meltdown after the All-Star Break. It’s been disheartening.
In fact, I think it’s conditioned me to remain skeptical for as long as possible. I’m tired of watching us lose big division leads and have to scrap together a comeback to even make the playoffs after leading so long. Sometimes not even making it at all, because the collapse was too great to overcome.
I really hope this year is different.
But history is keeping me from getting my hopes too high.
Cover Photo Credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS