Cancer Benefit for Jordan Gilman
On December 11, 2022, 23-year old Jordan Gilman went to the ER due to chronic back pain and weakness in her right leg. After an MRI was taken, they found a tumor that spread the diameter of her spinal cord.
Following with two surgeries, they were able to identify the tumor with a biopsy of the removed tissue. She was given the diagnosis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (cancer). By the time the second surgery had taken place on December 18th, she woke up with loss of mobility of her right leg, but luckily still has sensation. On December 22nd, her doctors ordered a PET scan and found a second tumor behind her sternum.
The course of her treatment will last 6 months and will consist of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Chemotherapy treatments and hospitalizations. She will have to limit herself to being in public settings due to being immunocompromised at this time.
Jordan is in good spirits, considering the long road of recovery ahead. Her main goals are being able to walk again with her German Shepherd puppy, Ace, and to regain her independence. Jordan’s story is still hopeful, she just needs a little bit of help until she can get back on her feet again.
There will be a benefit for Jordan on Saturday, March 11th at the Retreat Sportsman Club in De Soto, WI starting at 1pm. You can enjoy food, music, a Chinese raffle, and a live auction starting at 3pm.
For more info on the Jordan Gilman Cancer Benefit, please click here.
And if you are unable to attend, you can still help Jordan by donating to her GoFundMe account.