The one with Valentine’s Day

Another week in the books, another week closer to Spring!

The weather certainly felt “Spring-like” this week at times. We started the week off with the “Monday Morning Throwback” and we recapped the Super Bowl, talking about the ads, the game, the halftime performance, & everything in between.

Then, it was a very quick turnaround as Valentine’s Day was on Tuesday this week. We discussed some of the top “Love” songs of all time, and hooked you up with some last-minute V-Day date ideas.

A brewery in San Diego teamed up with the international airport out there to brew a beer made from the condensation from the airport’s air conditioners.

Sounds gross.

We talked about what makes an “average” American, and Shaw aced this week’s “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”. Big thanks to Rachel for donating her winnings to the Rock Foundation! Wednesday was #NationalWisconsinDay, so we ran down a list of interesting facts about the Badger State. And we discussed the #science behind our love of true-crime documentaries on Netflix/Hulu/Prime/etc.

Had some quality stuff during “Bad News with Happy Music” this week, including a restaurant that’s banning kids under the age of ten, a McDonald’s in England had a bit of a sign snafu, a guy who set his own car on fire to deter thieves from stealing it, and a couple that recently celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary after the wife tried to have the husband killed FIVE separate times.

Plus, a new list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.