The Boring Part of the Sports Calendar
The Super Bowl is over. So now what?
Not much, that’s what.
I’ve always hated this time of the year, as the sports calendar really slows down for a few weeks. In fact, in my opinion, it’s the slowest part of our sports year. It’d probably feel a little bit better if the weather were nicer this time of year. But here in the upper Midwest, that’s just not the case.
That’s not to say there aren’t sports on the TV. The NHL and the NBA are obviously still in full swing. College hoops has been around for a bit as well. We also occasionally have the Winter Olympics about now to help divert our attention.
But the problem is in where everyone is in their season. Unless you’re REALLY into college basketball, it’s not really exciting until we get to tournament time, which thankfully happens in a few short weeks.
The NHL and the NBA are both great. But facing facts, we’re barely at mid season for both leagues. They don’t get really exciting until we get near playoff time, which isn’t for another month or so. Games going on right now are, for the most part, pretty inconsequential.
The NCAA tournament is coming soon to save us from this boredom, and the sporting world picks up again directly after that. But for now. Bleh.