Dry January: Day 25

Hey, we almost made it! If you’re doing Dry January, we’re now in our last full week, and headed into our last weekend of this whole thing.
With it almost done, I wanted to address that this was a bit easier for me than I originally thought. Not that I thought it’d be difficult, but I do enjoy my cocktails, so I expected more temptation than there ended up being. Not that I didn’t have my challenges.

It was definitely a little difficult at our 9 Pin Tap Tournament last weekend. Being surrounded by friends in a bowling alley/bar setting with the booze flowin’ and good times to be had. But everyone was super respectful of my decision to not drink, and I greatly appreciate that.

But while I did have some challenges, it was relatively easy, such to the point where I think you may actually have a problem if you struggled through this. I can see if you’re a bartender or work in a setting where people are constantly drinking and offering you drinks, how that might be harder than others. But unless that’s your work environment, if you had problems making it through Dry January, it’s possible you may have a problem.

I’m not judging you if you do. Quite the opposite. I did this all to better myself, and I want to help others better themselves too. So if you think you might be an alcoholic, dial 211, just like you would dial 911. It’s a hotline that can help point you towards the right channels to get help, if it’s help you actually need. You may not, and that’s fine too.

Be well, and be awesome.
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95.7 The Rock's nerd of all trades. I love video games, nerdy fandoms, and sports (Packers/Badgers/Brewers/Blackhawks). Husband and father of 2. I'm also a huge pro wrestling fan and master of 1,001 holds. Hold #1: Armbar ...