The one with carolers
What a week to finish 2022 for the Morning Sickness!
Brian’s out next week, and Jean & Shaw will both be out the following week, so we won’t be back at full strength until the new year, but we stuffed this week with all sorts of goodies, including “The Monday Morning Throwback”, and more Christmas cards for Scott Robert Shaw.
Send yours to:
Scott Robert Shaw/Operation Holly Jolly
201 State St.
La Crosse, WI 54601
We talked about how long the average person leaves a dirty dish in the sink before cleaning it, and Brian revealed a MAJOR marriage issue at his house when it comes to loading the dishwasher.
Plus, we went over the annual report for how much it would cost to buy all the things in the “12 Days of Christmas” song. We discussed some common holiday injuries and how to avoid them.
We found out that being a radio DJ is more stressful than 83% of other jobs out there. Who knew?
And in a continued effort to get Shaw in the Christmas spirit, Brian brought in the Coulee Classic Quartet on Hump Day to sing a few Christmas Carols in studio. They were fan-friggin’-tastic!!!!!!!
Do you have any idea how many pics of you are online? Most people think it’s VERY few.
After the recent season of “Survivor” wrapped up, the winner decided to donate the ENTIRE million dollars(after taxes) to the Veterans in Need Foundation.
And on Friday, we hooked you up with a new list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!