The Morning Sickness Podcast – The one with August
The final month of the 95 Days of Summer kicked things off this week and we ran down a list of things to look forward to in the upcoming month.
Plus, the Monday Morning Throwback took us to 2016 when Shaw dropped the now-famous, “Pampers Ja-BlowMe” quote.
We talked about a Canadian candy company that’s looking for a “Chief Candy Officer“, and Brian recapped Ric Flair’s final match.
There was an interesting survey about our lottery habits after someone in IL won the $1billion Mega-Millions jackpot last Friday.
Are there celebrities that you hate for no good reason? They might be on this list we discussed. Plus, Brian shared some of the party-hosting tips he’s learned over the years for this week’s “Summer Party Tip“, and Shaw had some news about Oktoberfest in Germany being back, which led Brian to discuss the teufelsrad!!!!!
We also had a story about a guy in jail who did some serious MacGuyver shit to bust out, and hooked you up with a new list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!