The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with gators
After ten days off thanks to the 4th of July holiday & a bout with Covid, Brian was back this week and he found out about Shaw’s gator story on Monday. We also examined a recent survey that found 62% of people find it “socially acceptable” to eat dip with a spoon.
We had another drunk, racist Karen harassing a guy who was just standing outside of his own house, and Brian discussed his recent binge-session with “The Boys” on Prime.
Plus, a very JUICY story about NY Jets QB Zach Wilson, who allegedly slept with his mom’s best friend. #Giggity
We talked about National French Fry Day on Wednesday, and Shaw whiffed again on “You’re Killin’ me, Shaws”. There was a new “Summer Party Tip” on Hump Day, and we discussed the recent issue of “Gatekeeping“
Plus, a new list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!