The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with White Claws & Four Loko

A very busy week!!! We were off on Monday for the Memorial Day holiday, but got right into it on Tuesday with great news for dudes who are still rockin’ the dad bod this year. Plus, a sad story about a bullied kid…but with a silver lining.

We talked about a new Mt. Dew flavor that might be popping up in stores later this summer, and we had Terry Bauer in the studio to talk about this summer’s “Moon Tunes” at Riverside Park!

Plus, we gave you a list of things to look forward to in the month of June since we flipped the page in the calendar, and Shaw scored BIG TIME with “You’re killin’ me, Shaws” this week. 

We had our first “Summer Party Tip” of the year, and a crazy story about Don Mattingly’s kid getting white-boy wasted on White Claws & Four Lokos.

Also, a list of grammar offenses that the grammar nazis can’t stand, and a list of three things to do in  around La Crosse this weekend!

SICK podcast

Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.