The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with kids being jerks.
This week, we kicked things off with the Monday Morning Throwback, and a recent survey that found 14% of men wanted a urinal in their house.
We talked to Tia from Gundersen Health about this September’s “Steppin’ Out In Pink” event. And we had a crazy story about horse & jockey BOTH testing positive for meth.
Shaw actually figured out the movie this week for “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”, and we discussed a list of dating red/green flags. We also asked, “At what age are kids the biggest jerks“?
Plus, some interesting stats on Covid in America, a survey about futuristic technology, and “National Superhero Day” on Thursday. Who’s your favorite superhero?
On Friday, we hooked you up with another list of things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend, and found out it’s actually SEVEN hours of sleep for an ideal night’s rest.