The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with Shaw’s secrets
This week, Brian was out on Monday, recovering from his beer fest bus trip to the cities over the weekend, which he recapped on Tuesday.
We also discovered a very funny YouTube montage of all the non-words from Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” mashed-up into :14 of goodness.
We talked about some backyard improvements you could do to make your neighbors jealous, and had another “Karen of the Day“. This time around, she was stealing $70 water bottles.
Plus, a disturbing story about helping men with premature ejaculation issues by zapping their genitals with electricity. Jean talked about her Wordle habits after we discovered a recent survey that found 16% of Wordle players do it on the toilet.
There was a divorce attorney who was catching heat on the internet after a list of the top five jobs that could lead to a messy divorce.
Shaw whiffed on “You’re killin’ me, Shaws” this week, and Zack scored $70 of Brian’s Morning-show money, and then on Thursday, while talking about the easiest money we’ve ever earned, Shaw opened up his vault and told us a couple of secrets from his past.