It’s What’s Stuck in Puck’s Head. Mozart. Yup. I grew up playing four strings.
I had a classical music upbringing and played the cello (poorly) for four years. I quit when my parents wouldn’t buy me a bass guitar. I then saved up some dough and bought a cheap acoustic guitar… and have sucked at playing that for the last 35 years.
I should probably go back to four strings. Maybe I’ll actually practice this time.
Anyway, I get classical music pieces stuck in my head all of the time…. problem is, I can never remember the names of the musical pieces or the composers, so this one took me about 40 minutes to find. All-in-all though, not a bad time waster for a Monday. Play this really loud. Make your co-workers think you’re cultured and stuff.
Thanks to The Flipside Pub & Grill (give ’em a Like on FB)
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