dammit, Bruno


It’s What’s Stuck In Puck’s Head

Every morning…  Puck wakes up with a song stuck in his head.  Every day.  Since he was about 10.  Every day.  Sometimes it’s a good song, sometimes it’s not.  Sometimes it’s just plain evil. Either way, It’s What’s Stuck in Puck’s Head

Anyway.  Thanks to The Flipside Pub & Grill we post the video, right here every weekday morning.

It was bound to happen…… My daughter watched this THREE TIMES last weekend.  It’s still better than DoooOOOO YOUUUuuuu WAAANNAaaa BuilDDD a SNOOoooMaaNNN?  OK, Maybe not.


Flipside Pub & Grill

 Like Flipside Pub & Grill

Puck’s brain is weird, yet sometimes mildly entertaining.  Obvs.  You’re here aren’t you?  Check out Puck LIVE 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here



Puck has been here since the beginning. Like, in the 90's... He Rocks. He makes pretty pictures, he's a pretty good dad, and cooks really awesome food. Catch him live from 10-2 weekdays and in his daughter's bedroom on Sunday