The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with a mortar up the ass.
Jean was out most of the week, but Brian & Shaw held down the fort with a lengthy “Boy’s Club”!
We kicked things off on Monday with the Monday Morning Throwback, and had another “one in a million” incident where some guy ended up with something up his ass that doesn’t belong there.
Plus, a simple way to increase the adult activity in your bedroom!
Lots of holiday stuff this week, including some interesting facts about your favorite Christmas movies, and Brian’s “Top Five Christmas Movies“.
Shaw scored AGAIN during “You’re killin’ me, Shaws” on Workforce Wednesday, and we talked about the world’s largest pot brownie on “National Brownie Day”.
Plus, five tips for keeping your spending in check during the holidays, and another three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!