How My Kids Drive Me Crazy

Now I wanna start this off the right way.
I LOVE my kids.
Seriously, they’re my favorite people. If I’m going to be driven crazy, I’m perfectly happy with these two being pilot and copilot. That being said, they do drive me nuts.

Most of my issue with them is their choice in things to watch on TV.
Listen, my wife and I are not those parents that let our children watch whatever they want to watch without any supervision from us. If there’s something we honestly don’t like, we don’t let them watch it. Most of what makes us opt against letting them watch something, is whether or not it’s educational, or whether it interacts with them enough to get them moving.

But just because we allow them to watch something, doesn’t mean we actually “like” it. A lot of kids programming, good or bad, can be downright annoying. That brings me to these two.

Say hello to my kid’s newest obsession.

This is Koo Koo Kanga Roo, a kids hip hop duo that describes themselves as “Sesame Street meets Beastie Boys”.

My kids ABSOLUTELY GO INSANE to the songs these two write. My wife and I mostly allow this to exist in our house because their biggest issue is getting kids up and active, and teaching kids to dance. That is especially important now that winter is taking hold. They do have some educational value, but most of their songs are just fun songs to get kids dancing, which again, I find physical fitness an important value for my kids to grasp. I need to keep them up and moving to burn off energy.

They’re extremely effective at getting kids dancing. I should know. I have two of them that go completely bonkers every time they come on. They’re songs are catchy, which sucks cause they find their way stuck in my head while I’m at work. It can be distracting trying to do my job with this nonsense clanging around my skull.

Yes. This is a real song.

This is just a sample of some of the things they do, but it’s not all toilet humor, or I wouldn’t let my kids watch. They also have songs about superheroes, monsters, dinosaurs, pizza, and rainbows. They have quite a collection.

Honestly, if you’re looking for something to get your little ones up and moving, dancing, and laughing, I have to give my seal of approval to these guys.

But boy can it sure crawl under my skin at times, and that’s just one of the many ways my kids drive me crazy.

My Kids
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95.7 The Rock's nerd of all trades. I love video games, nerdy fandoms, and sports (Packers/Badgers/Brewers/Blackhawks). Husband and father of 2. I'm also a huge pro wrestling fan and master of 1,001 holds. Hold #1: Armbar ...