2021 Children’s Miracle Network

Since moving here over 13 years ago, I have been constantly humbled by the charitable acts of the citizens of the La Crosse area. Whenever someone in need is presented, you all rise to the occasion to lift up those in need who need it the most. Sharing a community with you all these years has brought out the best of me, and I am honored to raise a family here to have my children grow up amongst you.
That being said, the time has come to call upon you again.
The 2021 Children’s Miracle Network Radiothon is rolling through town this Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th.

Join us all day long for a live broadcast from 6am to 6pm as we’ll be talking directly to some of the people you’ll be helping, and people who your hard work has helped in the past.

To donate to this incredibly awesome cause, you can call (608) 775-4424 or you can donate online.

CMN Radiothon
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95.7 The Rock's nerd of all trades. I love video games, nerdy fandoms, and sports (Packers/Badgers/Brewers/Blackhawks). Husband and father of 2. I'm also a huge pro wrestling fan and master of 1,001 holds. Hold #1: Armbar ...