Three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!
Dude….I’m SO over summer. I want temps in the 70’s, all the Festbiers, and firepits!
Am I a basic bitch? No. Cause you can take all that pumpkin spice shit & shove it where the sun don’t shine. But fall is BY FAR my favorite time of year, so I’m really happy that August is coming to an end & we’re about to move onto the best season.
The wife & I have our annual Backyard BBQ on Saturday, and that’s basically the only thing I’ll be doing this weekend. Lotta prep & planning, lotta clean-up & tear down.
But if you’re looking for something to do this weekend, you’re in luck! There’s a bunch of stuff happening and here’s a few suggestions:
I’m not telling you to the get the vaccine, and I’m also not telling you to NOT get the vaccine…but if you’re looking to get it, the Roy L. Vingers La Crosse American Legion Post 52 is hosting a Covid-19 vaccine clinic for anyone that’s interested.
The clinic will run from 11am-7pm on Friday & Saturday this weekend, and both the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson shots will be available.
On Saturday, the Cashton Lions Club will be hosting their 3rd Annual “Stuff the Bus” Back-to-School drive from 10am until 2pm at the Bank of Cashton. They’re looking for bookbags, pens, pencils, facemasks, Kleenex, notebooks, erasers & more. Find a complete list here.
There will also be brats, hot dogs & pork sandwiches available for purchase!
Stop by with some school supplies & help “Stuff the Bus”! Or, you can also mail a donation to:
Stuff the Bus
Cashton Lions Club
543 Green St.
Cashton, WI 54619

Saturday night, get your ass to the Prairie for live music from the Spare Parts Project and Sweet Siren! It’s the 12th annual “Rockin’ the Prairie” event to benefit the Brice Prairie EMS & Rescue.
Gates open at 4:30pm with the music starting at 5pm. There will be food from Sweet Lou BBQ and cold beverages, of course! Plus, tip boards, prizes a silent auction & more
Tickets are $8 in advance or $12 at the door!

On Sunday, from 11am until 4pm, it’s the 4th Annual Fundraiser for Autism Awareness at the Holmen American Legion.
This event will feature food, music, raffles, silent auction and all proceeds will be donated to the La Crosse Area Autism Foundation!

As always, there’s a ton of other events happening in our area this weekend & you can find many of them online at
And if you’ve got an event coming up that you’d like to see featured on, you can submit your event for FREE here.