The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with nose blowing.

Had a bunch of guests in the studio & on the phone this week…and we kicked things off with some helpful tips for back-to-school parents. Plus, who beat out Metallica & Slayer to make the list of the most popular band tees?

Then….Shaw had a story about a guy who stuck six kidney beans in his wiener. YIKES.

Brian talked about his nose-blowing habits, and we had a great story about a kid who’s raised almost a million dollars by sleeping in his tent every night!

We discussed supper clubs during this week’s “Summer Party Tip“, and Shaw was able to ace this week’s “Killin’ me, Shaws”

Plus, we found out how many actual productive hours we have during an 8-hour work day, and gave you another list of “Three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend“!


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.