Three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a beer or two!

The weekend is here & I think the wife & I are heading to the Beer Shop in Sparta tonight for a beverage and some food from Fathead Steve’s food truck! Then, the obligatory viewing of “Friday the 13th” on Friday the 13th! I’ve got the Rock Stop on Saturday at Great River Harley-Davidson, and then we’re going to head to the Festgrounds for some Irishfest.

I’ll drink a pint for JD. Miss ya, bud.

Not sure about Sunday, but I might just chill in the basement and watch baseball all day!

If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, have no fear. There’s a ton of shit happening in our area, including Irishfest, Ashley for the Arts, and many other events…including:

The River City Championship Wrestling 7th Anniversary tonight at the Roy L. Vingers American Legion Post 52 here in La Crosse.

Wrestling gets underway shortly after 7pm, and you can check out matches between “The Wanderer” AC Riley vs “The Real” Brock Hall for the RCCW Heavyweight strap, a Women’s Triple Threat match with Rayvin Raddox vs. Blair Onyx vs Sierra, the City of La Crosse Championship between Kyle Roberts & Jaysin Masters, and MANY other matches.

Also, if you bring some school supplies, they’ll knock $2 off your ticket price!

On Saturday, there’s a bunch of things going down, including the Friends of the Library book sale at the La Crosse Public Library from 10am until 2pm.

Stock up on reading materials by stopping at the Friends of the La Crosse Public Library book sale! There will be tables and carts of materials arranged by genre and material type in their newly refurbished Main Hall space.  Sale items will be priced at $1.00 for hardback books; $.50 for DVDs and audiobooks; and $.25 for paperbacks or stock up and fill a bag for $5.00.  Please enter via the 9th Street doors and if possible, please bring exact change.  The use of masks and social distancing practices are encouraged.

For more info, click here.

If you’re looking for some fun, free beer, and a chance to win CHEESE CURDS FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, get to Features in Holmen on Saturday for their 15th Anniversary party!

Enjoy Free beer from 2-4pm! $1.50 domestic drafts, margaritas, and long islands, food specials, and a chance to win beer & cheese curds for an entire year!

More info here.

If you’re looking for a #SundayFunday that also is for a good cause, get to Castaway’s on the Island for the American Legion Riders District 7 Veterans fundraiser!

Things get started at 2pm with a silent auction of 2 Green Bay Packers tickets, 2 Minnesota Vikings tickets, 2 Wisconsin Badger football tickets, Local VIP boat cruise for a party of 14, an overnight stay at the Charmont Hotel for 2, Dining at local restaurants, and so much more! Winning bids will be announced at 6:00PM

They also have a poker run on Saturday if you’re interested in riding!

As always, there’s plenty of other events happening in our area this weekend & you can find many of them online at

And if you’ve got an event coming up that you’d like to see on, you can submit your event for FREE here.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.