The best of the Morning Sickness – The one with cover songs

This week, we had several guests on the show, including some of the gals from Rod’s Ride-On Powersports to talk about this weekend’s 19th Annual Chad Erickson Memorial Thunder Ride. We also spoke to Shannon from Catholic Charities about their Back2School program!

We started the week with the Monday Morning Throwback, featuring our former news-dude & current Mayor of La Crosse, Mitch Reynolds.

We also talked about some foods that put us in a good mood, and Shaw revealed to Brian that he’s been secretly golfing with him!!!!

And speaking of Shaw, he used that big brain to correctly guess the movie quote on this week’s edition of “You’re killin’ me, Shaws”. We also gave you another “Summer Party Tip” and we talked about some cover songs that might be better than the original versions.

Plus, three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!

SICK podcast

Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.