The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with a Magic Eraser on your teeth.
This week, we had not one, but TWO stories about teeth. The first one was a creepy way to remember a loved one, the other story was another example of the stupidity in this world.
We also celebrated “National French Fry Day” by asking what’s your favorite kinda fry?
Plus, a story about a mom who makes quite a bit of money farting on the internet. Our “Summer Party Tip” this week was Brian’s road trip playlist. And Brian also talked about the time he saw Cake at Winona State University.
We had a list of things you DON’T want to say at a wedding, and talked about the top cities to live in the US. Also, some “experts” no longer want to refer to them as “shark attacks”…they prefer something nicer.
Also, three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend!