Pints with Puck Voodoo Ranger V2K IPA

I don’t know why the Voodoo Ranger V2K IPA has a late 90’s and Y2K theme, but it’s hysterical, and the packaging is epic. The actual beer is pretty rad too.

New Belgium’s Voodoo Ranger IPA is a pretty solid beer on its own, and every year, they tweak the recipe with a few special editions, and I look forward to them every year. This particular one is a “Tropical Citrus IPA”

Grapefruit. Guava. Don’t panic. Just Listen:

Voodoo Ranger V2K IPA

The grapefruit is there, but it does not take over. You can taste some guava, but it’s not overly fruity, or sweet… just a hint of sweetness. The bitterness of the hops? Spot on, perfect. Big flavor overall, but there isn’t a single flavor component that dominates the tastes.

You may notice that the flavors stick around a bit on your palate, and that’s OK. I tried V2K IPA both ice cold, and after a short warm up. If it were me… I’d give it a few minutes to come up in temperature if you really want to get the full flavor experience.

Balanced. Drinkable. But watch that ABV: it clocks in at 6.9%

New Belgium’s Rotating IPA Series: Voodoo Ranger V2K IPA. You can’t miss the packaging.

Remember. Limited Time. Buy some while you still can.

Pints with Puck – Every Thursday around beer-thirty. That’s noon-ish in Wisconsin Standard Time. Check out Puck LIVE 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here


Voodoo ranger v2k ipa
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Puck has been here since the beginning. Like, in the 90's... He Rocks. He makes pretty pictures, he's a pretty good dad, and cooks really awesome food. Catch him live from 10-2 weekdays and in his daughter's bedroom on Sunday