“Wise” sayings that are kinda dumb.
May 20, 2021/
How many times have you heard someone spew a redundant phrase and rolled your eyes?
“That’s the way the cookie crumbles”
“It is what it is”
“Twenty bucks is twenty bucks”…..er….just me?
Needless to say, a lot of these sayings/phrases are nonsense and belong on a decoration in your bathroom. They really offer very little substance or help.
Buzzfeed recently put together a list of these idioms that are meant to sound “wise”, but are actually kinda dumb.
- “Flattery will get you nowhere”….yeah, that’s not always the case. If you’re complimentary and nice(sincerity helps), you’ll probably get farther than the person who’s brutally honest and unkind.
- “Good things come to those who wait”…maybe in the early 1900’s, but in this day & age, you need to be proactive instead of reactive. Do something if you want change. Don’t just wait around for something to happen to you.
- “Sleep like a baby”….have you ever been around a baby? They RARELY ever sleep through the night. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate the fact that they can seemingly fall asleep anywhere, but I’d rather not shit my pants in the middle of the night.
- “Cheaters never prosper”….yeah. Take one look at the news and you’ll know how untrue this statement is.
- “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”….except for bears. Bears will LITERALLY kill you.
There’s a bunch of others on the list, and I’d add “There’s no I in team” to the list.
I am a part of the team. And if I’m not here, it’s not the same team. And if I’m here and don’t do the work that’s expected of me, then I have failed the team, who will then suffer.
So, there is an I in team.

Posted in Rock Mornings