Pints With Puck: Mango Cart

Mango Cart is Golden Road’s Biggest Beer. And, in this case, most popular, equals most good, indeed. Mango Cart started as a fun side project at the brewery and became their #1 selling beer. For good reason. It’s a really good beer.

GRB Mango Cart Wheat Ale is a BIG favorite of mine. There were even shortages this winter due to record sales, and a stockpile in my fridge. There were a number of places that were constantly selling out, but now the supply is more than plentiful, so NO MORE HOARDING!!

Before you start with the “I don’t like fruit beer…” Allow me to counter with, “maybe you just aren’t drinking the right fruit beer…” Not all fruit, or fruit flavored beers are created equal. Just give this a listen:

Golden Road Brewing Mango Cart

Real Fruit. Makes a Real Difference. And fruit (especially Mango) partners very nicely with a good wheat beer. That might be why Mango Cart is so freaking delicious. Also, I’m serious about the spicy version. Just try it. You can thank me later.

One more thing about drinkability, and than I’ll shut up about it. I don’t know how it started to get a reputation as an adjective for weak, watered down, or cheap tasting beer… but that needs to end. Drinkability is what you want. It’s what brewers strive to achieve… Drinkability IS GOOD.

I sorta get it though… that usage is mostly with lovers of the full-flavored brews, imperials, barrel-aged, and high content beers. Most of those are not very “drinkable” hence the term “One And Done” but lower content, and clean tasting brews shouldn’t suffer because you want more. More… is also… GOOD.

Pints with Puck – Every Thursday around beer-thirty. That’s noon-ish in Wisconsin Standard Time. Check out Puck LIVE 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here


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Puck has been here since the beginning. Like, in the 90's... He Rocks. He makes pretty pictures, he's a pretty good dad, and cooks really awesome food. Catch him live from 10-2 weekdays and in his daughter's bedroom on Sunday