How do you like your eggs?

Did you know that May is “National Egg Month“?

I love eggs. Scrambled. Over easy. Egg salad. Quiche. Omelettes. There’s hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of different things you can do with an egg.

That’s what makes them incredible!

And in honor of National Egg Month, a recent study looked at how we prefer our eggs, and scrambled took the top spot with 18 states, including Iowa.

Sunny side-up took 14 states, including Wisconsin. Over easy was the most popular choice in 8 states, including Minnesota, and ‘poached’ was the most popular way to prepare your eggs in eight states, as well.

For me, I usually go with scrambled….tends to be the easiest and least messy, but if I’m out for breakfast somewhere, I almost always order ‘over easy’ so I get that runny egg goo to soak up with my toast & hash browns.

What’s your preferred way to eat an egg?

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.