What’s the weirdest thing you’ve caught a roommate doing?
I’ve had all sorts of roommates in my life. My first roommate was a kid named Adam.
He and I, along with his two cats, moved into a four-bedroom apartment when we were both 18 & fresh out of high school. We had almost no furniture, so we actually stayed in the same room.
I remember the fridge was always stocked with Bud Dry, and we NEVER cooked any food. We used to try & squirt ketchup & mustard on each other when we were showering.
Looking back, it was an absolute blast, and we were only paying $400/month!
I had a roommate that bought a safe to lock up his cans of Chef Boyardee because he thought I was eating his raviolis and Spaghettio’s.
But the weirdest thing I’ve ever caught my roommate doing wasn’t all that weird, but certainly embarrassing.
I was out with my girlfriend at the time, and when we got back to my apartment, I saw that the light in his room was on, so I went around the corner with my girlfriend to see if he was up, watching a movie or playing video games.
Nope. He’d fallen asleep mid-wank session, wiener in hand.
Laying on the bed with the lights on and door wide open. Obviously, it was a bit shocking and after being embarrassed for a few weeks, it became a very funny story to share at parties.
If you’ve ever lived with someone, you know they’ve got some quirks that are probably going to drive you nuts.
A recent thread on Reddit asked people to name the weirdest thing they’ve caught a roommate doing, and some of the answers are rather interesting.
- Someone found their roommate lying on the kitchen floor making snow-angels. And when they asked why, he said he was just getting himself dirty before he took a shower.
- Someone got home from work early, and found their roommate playing video games in nothing but tighty-whities and a motorcycle helmet.
- “I caught my roommate pouring a giant pot of beans into the toilet.”
- Someone caught their roommate washing her hair in the kitchen sink . . . without taking the dirty dishes out . . . and she was naked.
- “I walked in on my roommate’s girlfriend shaving his ass for him.”
- A woman caught her roommate using her hair dryer to dry off his junk.
- Quote, “My roommate would occasionally sleep in the fetal position, but upright on his knees.” So they nicknamed him “The Snail.”
- A guy was caught licking a plate clean and putting it back in the cupboard.