The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with all the Mother’s Day stuff.

It’s Mother’s Day this weekend, so we had a bunch of Mother’s Day stuff this week, including a great interview with the mother of our Big Bikes kid, Noah Schroeder. His mom, Lauren, joined us on Monday to talk about Noah & their plans to go on a great vacation.

You can still register for Big Bikes here.

We also had a great story about a kid who disappeared in an airport, only to be found riding around on the baggage conveyor belt.

We talked about what your mom REALLY wants on Mother’s Day, and had an incredible story during “Good News with Slayer” about an organ donor.

Plus, the patronizing things people say to you at work, and the newest “trend” on social media – people eating rotten, raw meat.

We also had more Mother’s Day stuff on Friday, some info on how you could earn $20k as the ambassador of Miller High Life, along with the three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend.

SICK podcast

Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.